A staggering 25 percent of women have thinned or lost hair. By age 60, over 80 percent experience massive hair loss. Menopause, stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances are often the culprit.
Even though some hair loss is perfectly normal, too much of it can ruin your looks – and your confidence. Luckily, you can prevent or stop this process naturally. Your lifestyle habits make all the difference.
How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?
Men and women alike lose approximately 100 to 125 hairs per day. This is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. Considering that the average person has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on the scalp, 100 hairs lost per day isn’t that much.
In case you notice more hairs on your brush or pillow than normal, try to identify the culprit. Nutrient deficiencies, for instance, may cause your hair to fall out. Pregnancy, menopause, and emotional stress impact the hair growth cycle too. Other possible causes include:
- Chronic stress or trauma
- Excess vitamin A
- Low protein intake
- Genetics
- Birth control pills
- Hormonal disorders
- Anemia
- Hypothyroidism
- Vitamin B deficiency
- Sudden weight loss
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Certain medications
For example, fad diets deplete your body of essential nutrients, such as zinc, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins. This can lead to hair loss, thinning hair, dry skin, and premature aging.
What Your Hair Says About Your Health

The appearance of your hair can reveal everything from what you eat to how you feel. Thinning hair is often a sign of aging, hormonal fluctuations, or poor nutrition. This problem is common among those who lack folate, protein, and fatty acids in their diets.
Sometimes, hair thinning and hair loss can indicate a more serious issue, such as anemia or thyroid disease. White or yellow flakes on the scalp may be a sign of psoriasis or dermatitis. Brittle hair has been linked to high cortisol levels and Cushing’s syndrome.
How to Naturally Restore Your Hair

Treatment depends on what caused your hair loss in the first place. If this problem is due to nutrient deficiencies, a balanced diet can help.
However, if your hair keeps falling out, consult a doctor. The doctor will test you for anemia, thyroid disease, hormonal disorders, and other common causes of hair loss.
You may also try natural remedies, such as coconut oil, argan oil, scalp massages, and homemade hair masks. Unless hair loss is due to a health condition, you should be able to restore your strands without pills or chemical treatments.
Remember to stay hydrated and eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. Consider taking biotin supplements to stop hair loss. Limit stress and squeeze more “me” time into your routine.
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