Acne and pimple treatments are quite expensive and one can easily spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetic products to keep their acne under check. However, there are a growing number of people just like you who are looking for home remedies that will cost a lot less than cosmetic products. Toothpaste is one such remedy that is often discussed by people who suffer from acne.
Does toothpaste get rid of pimples?

The answer is yes, toothpaste pimple treatment can definitely work for some people. As you will see from the explanation below, toothpaste contains some chemicals that will help the skin fight against acne and pimples.
This does not mean that toothpaste pimple treatments will work for everyone as acne and pimples can be caused by various things such as toxin levels, dehydration, improper hygiene and even genetics. However, considering the cheap price of toothpaste, a toothpaste pimple treatment is definitely worth trying out.
How does toothpaste get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste contains many chemicals that will help fight against acne and pimples. First of all, they contain a chemical called sodium pyrophosphate. The intended use of this chemical is to remove excess calcium from the saliva in the mouth. This can however be used on the skin as well as excess calcium in the skin can lead to acne build up.
Secondly, toothpaste also contains silica. It is a well known fact that silica helps against inflammation. So, when someone applies silica on their pimple affected skin, it will help fight against the bacteria causing the pimple and will also help in the healing process of the damaged skin.
Lastly, toothpaste contains baking soda that will help reduce the oiliness of the skin. Oily skin is a good environment for the growth of acne and the baking soda in toothpaste will help reduce your acne or pimple problem by making your skin less oily.
How does one use a toothpaste pimple solution or toothpaste pimple treatment?
First of all, you want to select the right toothpaste. Go for the classic kind as the gel like toothpastes don’t work really well as acne solutions.
Next, you will need to make sure that the toothpaste pimple treatment will not cause an allergic reaction to your skin.
Dab a little toothpaste on your neck or back and leave it until it dries. If you don’t see a rash, you can apply it on your face.
Apply it directly on the pimple or acne. Don’t layer it and apply just enough to lightly cover the affected area.
You can either leave it to dry or leave it on overnight. A few days of this application will help you eliminate the pimple or acne or at least reduce it.
In conclusion, a toothpaste pimple treatment can be a really effective and cheap treatment for your acne and pimple problems.
Blog post by Tips Bug
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