Uneven skin tone is a result of pigmentation. Some parts of skin appear darker than other parts of the body because excessive sun exposure damages the layers of skin which give it color. These dark spots are visible on face, hands, and legs, preventing your skin to look even and one toned. Also, Long-term acne cause blemishes and marks that make your skin look dull. It’s important that you take precautions to avoid pigmentation. If the damage is done then there are ways to correct uneven skin tone. The best tip is to lighten the skin tone.
Here are some tips to correct uneven skin tone:
Sun Protection
Always wear sunscreen having SPF(sun protection factor) of at least 15 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Apply it 30 minutes before leaving the house. Use sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and try to cover your face with a hat or stay in shade to avoid direct sun exposure. The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 10 am to 4 pm, avoid excessive sun exposure during these hours.
The Dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin, making the skin dull and pores hard to breathe. Exfoliating regularly aids the growth of new cells and give a glow to your skin. A natural exfoliator at home is Baking soda, it’s considered to be the best natural exfoliator. Make a paste of baking soda with water and gently scrub your face, use this twice a week.
Lemon Toner
Lemon is an excellent toner, it contains acids that help to lighten the skin tone. Also, Vitamin C in lemons stimulates regeneration of skin cells.
Skin Whiteners
There are many creams and lotions available to remove dark spots and give even tone to your skin. It is important that your look for ingredients to fix uneven skin tone. Avoid products that contain mercury and steroids. Look for ingredients such as Phytessence wakame, Crodomol OP, Maracuja extract, Grapeseed oil, and Babassu wax.
Quit Smoking
You should maintain a healthy lifestyle for your skin as well as your overall health. If you are a smoker, then you should quit this habit in order to have a healthy skin. Smoking can block blood flow to some parts of your skin, preventing nutrients to reach equally on your skin. To have a smooth skin texture, you should refrain from smoking.
It takes time to completely eliminate uneven skin tone. Therefore, you should regularly follow these tips to get even skin tone over time.
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5 Ways to Correct Uneven Skin Tone
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